What is the NNB Systemâ„¢?

Non-Negotiable Behavior Systemâ„¢

What is the NNB S

Trusted by Clinical Psychologists and Therapists

Sex Addiction, Betrayal Trauma & Affair Recovery:
Rachel Guenther

"This workbook is a great resource for those wanting to bring awareness to patterns in their lives, particularly maladaptive ones which aren’t working for them. The 6 pillars offer a balanced guide to growth and self-improvement. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in addictions and trauma, learning to be present is difficult, although absolutely necessary for vitality. Accountability is the path which leads to presence. I hope to see this as an available resource for anyone desiring growth through this self report and accountability resource."

— Rachel Guenther

How can this system help you?

Think about yourself as a Ferrari.

A Ferrari needs a certain kind of oil, maintenance, and special care in order for it to operate on the highest level and fire on all cylinders.

That’s what YOU need, too! You need to make sure you take care of your needs so you can perform at your highest capacity at work, in your relationships, at the gym, and other areas of your life.
This is why super successful people like entrepreneurs, CEO’s and Professional athletes spend a lot of time on personal development. They also have a Pit Crew around them to facilitate this optimized performance and that’s what you need, too.

It’s the only way to work smart and not just hard. It’s the only way to create and not destroy.
If you don’t put in the work to be proactive about your capacity and energy then you will be reactive and never feel supercharged. 

With this system, you will be able to fire on all cylinders and optimize your energy and capacity.  
It's YOU vs YOU.

   I was just stuck in a really difficult spot in my life. My marriage wasn't in a good spot. My life just felt blah. And I just felt like I wasn't going anywhere....he helped me identify ways to improve the negative emotions and we worked step by step through different aspects of my life! Nick is an awesome person. He is so loving and caring about everybody in his life and he has a light about him that shines with everyone...it just feels like he wants to create this huge happy family!
— Dayna
   Meeting Nick was on par with my kids being born, because if I would have never met Nick, I'd probably be dead right now....he has single-handedly saved my life. Nick helped me redefine success and definitely helped me better my life, better my family, better my kids. He is a miracle worker. He has definitely changed everything for me!
— Eric
   I was headed down the path of one of the four D's of Divorce, Depression, Drugs or Destruction. I really needed somebody to just kind of pick me up and slap me across the face and say, you know, take a good look from the outside of what's happening right now...The knowledge behind what Nick is teaching and coaching is founded in passion and he believes in the system because it's something that has affected his life tremendously. He wants to protect me from making the same mistakes that he's made.
— Jesse
— Paul
— Tileah
— Dallin
— TJ
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